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Geo for Good Mini Summit Dublin

The Mini Summit is intended for nonprofit, academic, public sector, private sector, and Indigenous peoples and local communities who are using Google Earth Engine and other geospatial tools for planetary sustainability and human resilience.

Because space is limited at the event venue, interested candidates will need to apply (and be accepted) to attend. Applicants must demonstrate how their work leads to planetary sustainability and human resilience around the world.

Cost: Free. In-person participants are expected to cover their own travel expenses.


  • May 14: Application opens
  • June 7: Application deadline
  • June 28: Applicants will receive email notification of their application decision.

How to Apply

  • Applications must be submitted by June 7, 2024 at 11:59pm Pacific Time.
  • We will not be able to consider applicants that do not give detailed answers to open-ended questions or cannot provide supporting evidence of their projects and work (links to webpages, papers, news articles, etc.).
  • We can only accept applications in the English language.

If you have any questions, please reach out to geoforgood-info@google.com.


Other Events

Open Data Day 2024

Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC), in partnership with The Asia Foundation (TAF) will host the Open Data Day (ODD) on 2 March 2024, focusing on “Open Data for Sustainable and Inclusive Development for All.” The ODD 2024 will provide a safe space for marginalized and vulnerable groups to express their concerns, share their experiences, and be exposed to talk on open data and digital development in Cambodia. Various activities, including keynote speeches, presentations from open data experts, and hackathons, can enlighten marginalized and vulnerable groups\' knowledge of open data and sustainable development in Cambodia. The event is funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade through the Asia Foundation\'s Ponlok Chomnes: Data and Dialogue for Development in Cambodia Program.    Don’t miss this chance to network with other open data enthusiasts, learn new skills, and contribute to a more open and inclusive world.​​ People with disabilities are encouraged to participate. Program: English and Khmer Register now: http://tinyurl.com/m78knss7

Partner2Connect National Roundtable Cambodia

  • July 8-9, 2024
  • Full Day Event
  • ​SUN and Moon, Riverside ​Hotel​, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Partner2Connect (P2C) National Roundtable for Cambodia will take place from 8-9 July 2024 in Phnom Penh. This in-country meeting will provide a unique opportunity for all relevant stakeholders on both global and national levels to come together to understand Cambodia\'s needs and determine the best responses to its digital transformation. This includes mobilization of new P2C pledges and leveraging dialogue with key stakeholders. The objectives of the roundtable are as follows: Develop a deeper understanding of Cambodia\'s digital landscape, digital transformation initiatives, relevant policies and strategies, existing opportunities, and development gaps. Bring together key stakeholders involved in Cambodia\'s digital transformation, including government, P2C pledging organizations, donors, UN and international organizations, private sector, civil society, and academia, to discuss and align on Cambodia\'s priority areas for development and targets. Mobilize additional P2C pledges to address Cambodia\'s gaps and priorities and facilitate sustainable partnerships. For more information, please click this link.

Tech Salon #8: Online​ Collaboration​ Tool​​

Tech Salon #8 will discuss the topic of Online Collaboration Tools. This session will share the advantages of using the tool to work together online and the disadvantages, as well as how to choose an online Collaboration tool that fits your job. Monthly Tech Salon invites speakers from civil society organizations and experts to share experiences related to the use of institutional technology to learn from each other and enhance the use of ICT for social work. ​Pre-register: https://forms.gle/8jU5Yb5DdQJ9E3gM8