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Civil society’s participation in the draft Land Law dialogue for land rights protection

The Cambodian government has drafted an entirely new Land Law (the draft law), more than 20 years after the promulgation of the 2001 Land Law. Acknowledging the importance of participation from civil society, local communities, and indigenous peoples (IPs), Open Development Cambodia (ODC) formally sought an opportunity to review the draft law and was able to provide constructive inputs based on dialogues with relevant stakeholders.  In late January 2024, the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC) drafted a comprehensive new Land Law, comprising seven titles, thirteen chapters, and a total of one hundred and ninety-nine articles. ODC formally submitted an official letter to the MLMUPC, requesting an opportunity to review and provide constructive inputs on the draft law. The MLMUPC approved the request and shared the draft law with ODC, providing a short window until 16 February 2024 for submitting inputs.  Dialogues highlighting key issues such as the need to protect collective rights, in particular, the rights of Indigenous peoples  ODC hosted two dialogues on the draft new Land Law – one on 13-14 February in Siem Reap Province and another on 15 February in Phnom Penh. The two dialogues were supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Family Health International (FHI 360) under a Cluster Anchor Grant from the Civil Society Support (CSS) Project, ALIGN and LANDESA. During the first dialogue, a Cambodian legal expert presented an analysis of key articles of the draft Land Law to the participants. The participants then discussed and provided their inputs, concerns, and recommendations for the draft law. Representatives from Indigenous peoples’ (IP) communities who were present during the dialogue raised concerns about the limited time provided for comprehending the proposed legal amendments, conveying their understanding to the communities, and gathering inputs from their members. They felt that the dialogue was more of an informative session than a consultative one.  As a result, representatives from the indigenous communities were unable to provide their input on the draft law and requested an extension of time for the consultation process. ODC and our partners sympathized with the response from the IP communities, as the timeline for the input was also a huge challenge for the team.  The second dialogue was held on 15 February in Phnom Penh, to consolidate the inputs and recommendations derived from the first dialogue in Siem Reap Province. Following the dialogues, ODC and partners prepared and submitted the consolidated inputs and recommendations to the MLMUPC. The document is published on the ODC website, and is publicly accessible. The document highlights several key issues, such as the need to clarify the protection guarantees for collective ownership, right to use, right to enjoy the fruit of the land and rights related to land and other immovable properties of IPs and Buddhist monasteries. The input also requested further consideration towards gender equity and the protection of the rights of IPs and local communities.   In early March, ODC attended a meeting hosted by the Land Law Working Group at the MLMUPC. According to the MLMUPC, more than 15 inputs from ODC were incorporated, including issues regarding the classification of public state land and private state land, the timeframe for the registration of communal land titles for IPs, promotion of equity in land rights and land administration, the specification of a timeframe for complaints, a filing process for complaints, and elaboration on the glossary.  ODC and our partners shared concerns regarding the time window for the submission of input. The time window for translating the draft law into English and sharing it with our international legal experts, as well as holding dialogues, meant that the input document did not cover all the key points as thoroughly as it could have, if more time were given in the first round. After the input submission, ODC hosted additional discussions and meetings and collaborated with partner organizations to gather more inputs. On 11 March 2024, ODC hosted a knowledge sharing session on Women\'s Rights in Land Ownership and Natural Resource Management (NRM). Additionally, on 22 March 2024, ODC attended a meeting held by the Land Law Working Group of the MLMUPC to discuss the inputs that the working group has received so far. On 26 March 2024, ODC attended another workshop hosted by MLMUPC on the draft law. Then, on 26 April 2024, ODC and partner organizations supported a meeting organized by My Village (MVi) for consultation on the draft law, focusing on the process and challenges of indigenous communal land titling.  According to a Ministry officer, MLMUPC will continue to review and incorporate inputs as appropriate and will share a further revised draft law with relevant stakeholders. Based on that advice, ODC and partner organizations continued to review and collect further inputs for the revised version of the draft law and submitted our second round of inputs on the revised draft law on 7 June 2024. On 19 June after submission of our inputs on the revised draft law, MLMUPC shared with ODC the latest version of the draft law. ODC observed that none of our second round of inputs were taken and incorporated in the latest draft. ODC and partner organizations wish to be given further opportunity for a more constructive and serious consultation with the MLMUPC to discuss our inputs point by point.  The importance of national and international alliances to ensure an inclusive land law reform that protects the rights of all citizens  The collaboration with ALIGN and LANDESA has enabled ODC to engage in consultations with national and international stakeholders on the land law reform process in Cambodia, aligning with relevant international standards and principles of responsible investment in land governance. By uniting all stakeholders, ODC tries to promote transparency and responsible investment in land in Cambodia. The inputs submitted by ODC amplify the voices of local communities to the government, an important factor for promoting sustainability and inclusivity in land rights for every Cambodian.  While not all inputs and recommendations from ODC and our partners are expected to be taken by the government, the collaboration has sparked important discussions, particularly concerning land rights and land administration among underrepresented groups such as IPs, women, widowers, and LGBTQ+ individuals. Moving forward, ODC commits to continue working with partner organizations and stakeholders to discuss and explain our second round of inputs and provide more precise and complete suggested changes to the draft law to ensure that the new law is enabling, inclusive, equitable and effective, with minimized unintended negative impacts on vulnerable groups such as traditionally separated spouses, IPs and their communities, LGBTQ+ and unregistered land possessors, and avoiding regulatory or administrative taking of land and immovable property rights without fair and just compensation.


Empowering women’s rights in land ownership and natural resource management: Insights from a knowledge-sharing event

On 11 March 2024, Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) in collaboration with Gender and Development for Cambodia (GADC) with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Family Health International – Civil Society Support Activity (FHI360-CSS), Advancing Land-based Investment Governance (ALIGN), and Landesa hosted an important discussion on “Women’s rights in land ownership and natural resource management (NRM)” at the Heinrich Boell Stiftung (HBS) Office in Phnom Penh with 22 enthusiastic participants (15 females) from various organizations. “Why was this event so significant?” It aimed to foster an inclusive dialogue about gender equality and women\'s participation in Cambodian land and natural resource governance. Just a month earlier, on 01 February 2024, ODC received an important letter from the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction (MLMUPC) regarding the draft land law. This encouraged a series of dialogues with various stakeholders to review the draft and gather inputs. The goal of this discussion was not to gather inputs for the draft land law, but rather to share experiences and knowledge about women\'s challenges in land and natural resource management. ODC opened the event with a keynote speech emphasizing the commitment to gender equality in land ownership and NRM. ODC thanked all participants and highlighted the importance of open dialogue. The goal was to foster an environment in which everyone felt encouraged to freely share their ideas, resulting in a comprehensive post-discussion report. The discussions explored Cambodia\'s legal landscape regarding women\'s land rights. The Cambodian Constitution, particularly Articles 31 and 45, expressly guarantees women\'s rights and prohibits discrimination against them. Cambodia\'s commitment to international human rights instruments, such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), strengthens these rights. Global frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and regional initiatives such as the ASEAN Gender Mainstreaming Strategic Framework both promote gender equality in land rights. The participants\' insights served as the event\'s core. One participant pointed out that the current legal framework does not explicitly reflect the LGBTQIA+ community, particularly in terms of inheritance and property rights from same-sex partners. This gap highlighted the importance of comprehensive legal reforms that recognize different family structures and ensure equitable property rights. Another significant issue raised was the effective implementation of international treaties and agreements in Cambodia\'s complex legal environment. Despite having approved numerous human rights treaties, effective enforcement remains a challenge. Participants emphasized the importance of incorporating these international provisions into applicable national laws to effectively address gender and land rights issues. Practical challenges for women in land ownership and NRM were also highlighted based on the participants’ experiences working with the communities, particularly women. One of the examples of indigenous women is that when they promote their rights, they frequently face obstruction from male community members. This highlights the need for targeted support mechanisms and capacity-building initiatives to empower women leaders in their communities. Other participants described that women\'s desire for land ownership is frequently motivated by their roles as primary carers and their responsibility for household prosperity. However, cultural norms and traditional roles continue to be significant barriers to women\'s active involvement in land governance. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms were identified as a useful tool for resolving land conflicts. ADR provides a non-adversarial and cost-effective approach to dispute resolution, which is especially beneficial to marginalized communities. However, women\'s representation in these mechanisms remains low, highlighting the need for more inclusive practices. The knowledge-sharing event on women\'s rights to land ownership and NRM demonstrated the power of collective commitment and collaboration. It brought diverse voices together to address complex issues, laying the groundwork for future efforts to create a more equitable and sustainable future for all Cambodians, particularly women. As we move forward, we must continue to foster inclusive dialogue, promote comprehensive legal reforms, and implement targeted capacity-building initiatives. By doing so, Cambodia can take significant steps towards recognizing, respecting, and protecting women\'s rights in land ownership and natural resource management.


Sixth Science Talk on the drought situation in Cambodia

CamboJA, in collaboration with the Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC), organized the 6th Science Talk on the Drought Situation in Cambodia on 30 January 2024. The event was attended by 35 participants (19 women), including representatives of civil society organizations, university students, and journalists. Thank Mr. Hour Ix, Reginal Drought Management Expert of the Mekong River Commission (MRC), for sharing his experience, knowledge, and expertise on this topic. This activity is funded by USAID through FHI360, under the Civil Society Support (CSS) project, and co-implemented by CamboJA and the Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC).


Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) partner meeting with the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment

On 20 October 2023, the ODC team traveled to Utrecht City, the Netherlands, to engage in a crucial meeting with Dr. Arend Kolhoff, Technical Secretary of International Cooperation at the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment. ODC has been collaborating closely with the commission on providing inputs to the draft general guidelines for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and SEA for sand mining along the Mekong and Bassac Rivers in Cambodia. The primary objective of this meeting was to critically update the progress and challenges that have emerged within the area of SEA in recent times. The discussion focused on the ongoing work regarding SEA within the Cambodian context. The National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD) of the Ministry of Environment of the Kingdom of Cambodia established the National Training Team on Strategic Environmental Assessment (NTTSEA) on 20 December 2022. The team is responsible for arranging and preparing training materials, disseminating SEA knowledge at national and sub-national levels, and raising awareness through a range of meetings, training sessions, and workshops. In addition to their educational activities, NTTSEA has mobilized resources and forged partnerships with NGOs and other stakeholders, in a determined effort to foster a comprehensive training program on SEA. Stay tuned for more updates on this journey towards sustainable development!


Data visualization training in journalism

On September 11th, 2023, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) conducted an enriching training session titled \"Data visualization in journalism,\" attended by a group of 14 journalists (2 females) from various locations such as Phnom Penh, Kratie, Siem Reap, Battambang, Stung Treng, and Mondulkiri. With our \"Data visualization in journalism\" training, the trainees can embark on a transformative journalistic journey that explores the intersection of data and narrative. Data visualization, the art of transforming raw data into compelling visuals, is more than a skill; it\'s a narrative accelerator. In an age when information bombards our senses, journalists with data visualization skills gain the ability to change complex datasets, transforming them into impactful graphs, interactive charts, and dynamic maps that bring stories to life. This course provides an opportunity to seamlessly combine journalistic skills with data-driven precision, unleashing the potential of visual storytelling to captivate, inform, and inspire. The training aims to equip journalists with the skills to integrate visual elements into their storytelling, enabling them to convey information, engage audiences, and unveil deeper narratives through impactful and accessible graphics. The primary objective of this training initiative is to equip journalists with the proficiency to incorporate visual elements into their narratives. By doing so, they acquire the ability to convey information effectively, engage their audiences, and unveil deeper layers of the narrative through compelling and easily comprehensible graphics. The comprehensive training program explored data comprehension, the principles of data interpretation, the art of chart design, and an introduction to the powerful data visualization tool, Datawrapper. Despite the constraints of time, the participating journalists displayed remarkable adaptability and tenacity, successfully producing visualizations and integrating them into their stories. These hardworking trainees exhibited a worthy commitment to learning this new tool and the concepts surrounding it. Their dedication resulted in the creation of 14 interactive visualizations, each addressing a diverse selection of topics using Datawrapper. While it is acknowledged that their efforts may not yet be considered professional, it is evident that they have acquired a fundamental understanding of how to develop visualizations that enhance their news articles. Furthermore, it notes that the majority of these participants have expressed a strong desire for additional training sessions. They are eager to extend the duration of training and remain enthusiastic about staying updated with the latest data and visualization techniques. These aspirations reflect their solid commitment to enhancing their capacities as journalists and their dedication to delivering high-quality journalistic content to their respective audiences. The project is funded by USAID Cambodia through FHI 360 under a Cluster Anchor Grant from the Civil Society Support (CSS) Project.


Charay indigenous community celebrates the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People in TangSe Mlue village

The International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples is very important to all indigenous peoples worldwide to celebrate all together and respect that day to make it a meaningful holiday for indigenous peoples. The day can be a day to review indigenous rights and freedom to decide to do something in their community. They get the right to access information, covenants, laws, and policies. Therefore, the indigenous community, with support from several stakeholders, celebrates the 29th International Day of Indigenous Peoples and the 19th in Cambodia on 9th August 2023, aiming to promote culture, traditions, language, beliefs, customs, dances, musical instruments, leadership, and community solidarity. Open Development Cambodia (ODC) partly supported the indigenous community through Conserve Indigenous Peoples Languages Organization (CIPL) to celebrate the 29th International Day of Indigenous Peoples and the 19th in Cambodia at TangSe Mlue village, Nhang commune, Andoung Meas district, Ratanakiri province, Cambodia. The event brought together 111 participants (35 women), most of whom are Charay indigenous peoples. There were representatives from local authorities and civil society organizations including, CIPL, Highlanders Association (HA), Indigenous Community Support Organization (ICSO), and Development and Partnership in Action (DPA). Most of the participants expressed their excitement and enthusiasm about what they celebrated and learned during the day. Ms. Klan Tem, an indigenous youth group, read the history of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples. According to the United Nations Report on Indigenous Peoples in the World, 476 million Indigenous peoples live in 90 countries, accounting for 6.2 percent of the world\'s population. According to the Cambodia Census 2013, there are 183,831 indigenous peoples (24 groups) in Cambodia\'s 15 provinces. They are linked to natural resources such as forests, water, and land. The majority of them are farmers who hunt animals and collect honey. They also collect non-timber forest products to supplement their income. Mr. Aem Dea, Angdong Meas district local authority, delivered the speech, encouraging the Charay indigenous community in TangSe Mlue village to protect their culture and land. He also mentioned indigenous communal land registration. Mr. Heam Som Orn, a local authority in Nhang commune, shares his enthusiasm for the event. He is proud of the community for gathering to celebrate the event. He hopes that indigenous peoples can safeguard their culture indefinitely. Finally, CIPL screened a video about the \"Effects of Flooding on Indigenous Peoples in Tangse Mlue Village,\" which was produced by indigenous youths, supported by CIPL and ODC through the Civil Society Support Activities: Cluster Anchor Grants funded by USAID through FHI360.