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Partner2Connect National Roundtable Cambodia

Partner2Connect (P2C) National Roundtable for Cambodia will take place from 8-9 July 2024 in Phnom Penh. This in-country meeting will provide a unique opportunity for all relevant stakeholders on both global and national levels to come together to understand Cambodia’s needs and determine the best responses to its digital transformation. This includes mobilization of new P2C pledges and leveraging dialogue with key stakeholders.

The objectives of the roundtable are as follows:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of Cambodia’s digital landscape, digital transformation initiatives, relevant policies and strategies, existing opportunities, and development gaps.
  • Bring together key stakeholders involved in Cambodia’s digital transformation, including government, P2C pledging organizations, donors, UN and international organizations, private sector, civil society, and academia, to discuss and align on Cambodia’s priority areas for development and targets.
  • Mobilize additional P2C pledges to address Cambodia’s gaps and priorities and facilitate sustainable partnerships.

For more information, please click this link.

Other Events

Training workshop on the basic of GIS and the use of QGIS

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) is delighted to announce a Geographic Information System (GIS) Workshop: Fundamentals of QGIS. This workshop aims to provide a comprehensive knowledge on geographic information system and using open-source GIS platform (QGIS) for data collection, data management and mapping. For registration: https://bit.ly/43eJOOZ Registration deadline: July 24, 2023 at 5pm. Selected candidate announcement data: July 26, 2023

The 3rd Science Talk is coming!

  • March 24, 2023
  • 05:00 PM - 08:00 PM
  • To be confirmed

The event provides an opportunity for 25 participants from media institutions, universities, indigenous groups, and civil societies to meet with scientists in the field of environment to obtain scientific data for use in their work. This event is co-organized by CamboJA and Open Development Cambodia (ODC) under funding support from USAID through FHI 360. Topic: National Forest Monitoring System and Forest Inventory Please register via this link by March​21, 2023, at 5:00 pm.https://forms.office.com/r/KE4wujru7M

Conference on Southeast Asia’s Economic Research and Development

The conference intends to discuss the history of economic thought, economic research and development in Southeast Asia. This conference aims to provide an opportunity to PhD students, young scholars, and researchers in the field of economics and social science to share their research and exchange knowledge in different study agendas and backgrounds, as well as to receive feedback on their work from senior researchers and practitioners. Important Dates The last date for abstract submission: 31st August 2023 Notification for selected abstract: 15th September 2023 The last date for submission of the full paper: 15th October 2023 Notification for selected full papers/paper presenters: 30th October 2023 Conferenced date: 16-17th December 2023 Registration: https://fs8.formsite.com/CNZLjX/rule2023/index For more information: https://rb.gy/w9n5q